Monday, September 7, 2015


Life is only but for a moment.  So Live! Live a Good Happy Life.  Live a life that brings happiness to others also.  Live a life that you can be proud of when death knocks at your door. That's the powerful message I feel I should share with you today. And that message burns in my heart because of an amazing man our family got to know in the past 6 months.

Lota met a wonderful man name Todd Bates back in March during the Buffalo 50 miler.  Todd is our very close and very dear family-friend Julie's cousin.  Julie has been Lota's other running buddy since we discover his passion for trail running. Todd was fighting a malignant brain tumor (he was also the longest living cystic fibrosis patient we knew of) and Julie ran 50 miles that day for Todd, for her family and for our Warrior Lota.

The closeness that race brought all of us from that day forward is one of Todd's last gift to all of us there that day. Todd was an inspiration and a gift to Lota and our family. Despite feeling so weak from chemo and radiation treatment, Todd still made his way to Antelope Island that hot afternoon to cheer Julie and Lota on.

Todd fought a good strong fight and he lived his life like the care-free wild mustangs of the West.  His motto was "JUST LIVE". And LIVE! he did. After 10 long months of fighting, Todd passed away surrounded by his dear family and friends last week.  Lota was devastated when he heard the news. Even though he had only known Todd for a short period of time, Lota felt a strong connection to him.

It was hard to see Lota go through such a loss at such a young age but with Todd's words of wisdom that he lived by, I reminded Lota that Todd wants him to "JUST LIVE!"; to enjoy life and not be overcome by sorrow only.  That Todd wants him to Live a Happy Life, to be cheerful even in difficult times. Todd is no longer suffering and Todd is now one of his many Guardian Angels. Lota felt comforted to know that Todd is now looking over his family and friends and that means Lota too.

Lota requested to go say goodbye to Todd and even though I wasn't sure how seeing his friend in a casket would affect him, I also knew that it is important for Lota to have that closure; to say his last goodbye.

At the viewing, so many people came to say goodbye to a great man. As I looked around I saw many of them wearing their camo JUST LIVE shirts.  These are the same shirts they wore during the Buffalo Run. On the left sleeve of the shirts are the words WARRIOR LOTA.  For a moment I saw Todd wrap his arms around our little Warrior and whispered,


As tears rolled down my cheeks that moment, I turned to find Lota with his 4 year old sister by Todd's casket.  He was looking at Todd intently and then I hear him say to his sister;

"There are two Todd's now.  There is Todd's Spirit in Heaven with Heavenly Father and this Todd - his body.  His body is in a deep, deep sleep now. Todd was a great man Tifa. He really was". 

And then they both turned and walked away with smiles on their faces.

I marveled at the wisdom Lota showed that night. He seemed too mature for an eight year old boy. A warm feeling of love filled my heart for my little Warrior.  I quietly Thank my Heavenly Father for the knowledge that we have of the afterlife.  I am grateful that Lota has that knowledge too. I am grateful he had the opportunity to meet Todd and learn one of life's greatest lesson from him.

Life is really but for a moment; a precious moment that I must treasure and live well.  Life is too short to be overcome by sorrow and despair, to worry, to fear the what ifs, to hate, to be filled with anger, to seek revenge, to debate our differences, to be obsessed to prove a point and especially to hold ill feelings towards others. Life is only but for a moment and WE need to #justlive.

Thank you Todd for touching our lives and changing us for the better.  Now run free our friend and enjoy the untouched mountains of Heaven.  

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