Saturday, April 4, 2015


I finally got home at 1:30 am this morning. It's been a long 3 days at the hospital. It's good to be home. Keith finished work around midnight and he is now with Lota.  Surgery went well on Wednesday.  It was a long day.  We did our best to kill time by going to the gym (great way to burn stress) and taking walks around the U campus.

Lota is improving with each day.  He started physical, speech and occupational therapy yesterday.  Yesterday his siblings visited him and he was very sad to see them leave.  He cried tears of frustration. We know he wants to go home.  We know he wants to get out of that awful bed he hates so much. But he is going to have to be patient and hold strong. We all have to. This 4th surgery was a very traumatic one for his little brain.  He will have to work a little harder to get to where he was before and he knows that and I can tell in his little face that he is frustrated.

Thank you for your continued prayers, positive thoughts and words of encouragement.  Thank you so much to Nana & Poppah and all our friends that have helped out with the other 5 kiddos.  We could not do this without your help. We appreciate all of you so much.

~Rowena Ward (Lota's Mom).

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